wanting adj. 1.短缺的,缺失的;不足的;不够的 (in)。 2.〔方言〕智力不足的,低能的。 He is wanting in honesty. 他不老实。 be a bit wanting 有点笨。 缺,短少。 a year wanting three days 一年差三天。 W- courage, victory is impossible. 没有勇气就无法取得胜利。
If you have simple html topics , do not want to get your hands dirty with xslt , or already expect to do cleanup on the dita output , this article should be all you need 如果您的html主题非常简单,又不想为xslt费神,或者期望在dita输出中做清理工作,那么阅读本文就足够了。